Monday, September 10, 2012


since women love to wear mini skirts i decided to highlight rules that should be considered by women when   wearing miniskirts and each age has its on rule.                                                                                            
To wear miniskirts you must have good legs and consider wearing a wrap and dark colours to minimize the tight mini                                                                                                                                                                  
MINISKIRTS FOR WOMEN IN THEIR 20'S                                                                                              
you can keep mini to the extreme the legs can be  and can go with high heels and a top with an open neck                                                                                        
MINISKIRTS FOR WOMEN IN THEIR 30'S                                                                                          
you can shore your bare foot but do go to the extreme as the minis in 20's and should go with small heels and and a little coverage on the top                                                      
MINISKIRTS FOR WOMEN IN THEIR 40'S                                                                                              
drop the length of your miniskirts down to below mid-thigh with flat sandals                                                      
MINISKIRTS FOR WOMEN IN THEIR   50'S                                                                                              
women should wear minis with a couple of inches above the knee                            

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